Sales Campaign Tracking Sheets
Plan for success and track your progress!
Play a winning numbers game with these expertly designed sheets!
The Mind Body Sales program's Sales Campaign Tracking Sheets are the answer to your sales campaign planning and monitoring. We've all heard the term "playing the numbers game" when it comes to sales, but what does that really mean? These handy tools will help you figure it out! Calculate what you need to do to achieve your sales goals with the Sales Campaign Calculator, then track your progress with the Wholesale Sales Activity Tracking Sheet. Better yet, pull out your 2 in 1 Tracking Sheet and Calculator so you can do both, and measure your progress as you work towards your goals! Knowing what you need to do, and then aligning your actions accordingly are both essential elements of a successful sales campaign. These tools have been cleverly designed to help you to do both so you can make the numbers work for you in your wholesale sales!
Sales Tracking Spreadsheets
Get clear on your campaign plans and track your results to start levelling up your wholesale sales!
Calculate what you need to do to achieve your goals and then measure your progress as you make them happen with these indispensable Sales Campaign Tracking Sheets. Take the guesswork out of your sales work and maximise your results!
Wholesale Sales Activity Tracking Sheet
2 x Spreadsheets (PC & MAC versions)
Track your sales calls and campaign outcomes with this handy Wholesale Sales Activity Tracking Sheet. Discover the trends in your campaign activities, including the call outcomes, the monthly call volumes and the call volumes made at various times of day throughout your campaign, plus your results, including your conversion (success) rate and more! This spreadsheet will help you to track your sales campaign activities and outcomes so you can get an insight into your sales behaviours and make improvements or adjustments to maximise your results! Sales activities are the actions that create the results - the more of the right action that is applied within your campaign, the better your results will be! Focusing on the activities you undertake empowers your success in sales, and this spreadsheet will provide some clarity and insight into your campaign activities, and the ultimate outcomes they create for your wholesale business.
Sales Campaign Calculator Sheet
2 x Spreadsheets (PC & MAC versions)
Plan your sales campaign activities and goals with this indispensable Sales Campaign Calculator Sheet. Based on your estimated conversion (success) rate, how many prospects will you need to contact during your campaign so you can achieve your desired sales goals? How many sales communication hours will you need to invest in order to hit the mark and reach your ideal outcomes? Are your sales goals realistic in light of the number of hours you will be working on sales communication activities during the campaign, and the number of prospects you'll be reaching out to? Discover all this and more with this handy sales planning tool! While there are many things outside of your control when it comes to wholesale business, numbers will never let you down! They are a fixed law of the universe! Once you can get to a point where you have collected enough data across your sales campaigns to make ballpark estimates of your conversion (success) rate, you can start to plan your activities and shoot for your sales goals!
2 in 1 Sales Campaign Calculator & Tracking Sheet
2 x Spreadsheets (PC & MAC versions)
This sheet combines the magic of the Wholesale Sales Activity Tracking Sheet and the Sales Campaign Calculator into one so you can plan your campaign activities and goals, record your call activities and outcomes, and monitor your progress along the way! The Summary tab features charts that will help you understand the percentage of progress you have made towards your goals for your call volumes, number of sales and total value of sales! The art of sales (and many other things besides!) is knowing the right actions to take, and then taking them consistently and faithfully for as long as required. Seeing our campaign progress along the way can help us to understand the bigger picture that we are striving towards with our actions, and it can help us to stay motivated and inspired! This spreadsheet will help you to bring it all together so you can know what to do, celebrate the "doing" of it as you go, and see how far you've come and how far you have to go! For sales campaigns, it's a game-changer!
Kits featuring this sales tool
Discover which of the Foodsource Mind Body Sales Wholesale Sales Kits include this sales tool as part of the package!
Grow your natural product business